Know Your Rights

All people in the U.S., regardless of immigration status, have rights! Below are resources, upcoming trainings, information, and materials available to 153 members to share in their workplaces and their communities.

Know Your Rights: What to do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace*

  • DON'T RUN. Stay calm and don’t run. Running may be seen as an admission of guilt.

  • DON'T CARRY FALSE DOCUMENTS. Providing false documents to ICE may result in deportation and criminal charges.

  • DON'T INTERFERE WITH ICE AGENTS. Interfering with ICE agents during a workplace raid may expose you to criminal charges.

  • DON’T SIGN ANYTHING YOU DON’T WANT TO SIGN OR DON’T UNDERSTAND. Think twice before signing anything without talking to a lawyer. Signing a paper may end up being an agreement to voluntarily leave the United States. Consulting with a lawyer before signing anything is the best way to protect your rights.

  • THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. You have the constitutional right to remain silent and to refuse to answer questions. If you want to exercise your right to remain silent, show ICE your Know Your Rights card.

  • KEEP IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS WITH YOU. Keep the phone number of your union and legal services provider with you.

*This is not intended as legal advice.



Sign up for a KYR training hosted by the NYC Central Labor Council. These trainings will equip you with valuable information regarding workers’ rights, advancing your ability to understand your legal protections and advocate for yourself and others. This is an amazing opportunity to become a stronger and more informed advocate for workers’ rights. After registering, you'll receive more details.


Contact your union representative to get know your rights cards to distribute in your workplace, available in several languages.

Additional Resources

  • AFL-CIO Statement on Attacks to Immigrant Workers

  • The AFL-CIO's Frontline Solidarity: A Mass Deportation Fight Back Toolkit is now available for union activists and organizers. Unions can request access here. (Virtual toolkit overview training sessions are happening every Monday from 3pm to 4:30pm. Sign up here.)

  • NILC and NELP Employer Toolkit: For employer-focused resources, check out the toolkit from the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the National Employment Law Project (NELP).

  • UFT Immigrant Student and Family Resources: The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) offers resources for immigrant students and families.

  • Make the Road NY has resources available for immigrant and working class people of color.

  • iAmerica has KYR cards available for download, as well as an app that can read your rights out loud to an ICE or law enforcement agent and send a message to an emergency contact. It also includes other resources, such as the ability to look up a consulate and a sample family preparedness plan. The app is available in 16 languages, primarily Asian languages, and includes Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Russian. It is currently available for iPhones and will soon be ready for Android phones.

To request additional resources or stay updated on future trainings, please fill out the NYC CLC's Immigration Resource Request Form.


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